J&B Red Program (US College Applications)“A Potential Psychology and Public Health Major Prepares for College” Highlights: J&B created an admissions packet for the client’s top-tier colleges and universities including a Common App essay, supplemental essays, an activities list, and a polished CV. To highlight the client’s chosen majors of Psychology and Public Health, J&B utilized the client’s unique extracurricular experiences, insights, and interests to prepare revealing and analytical essays suited to the client’s chosen programs. J&B broke the project into two batches and split each batch into three steps, where the J&B team provided the client with detailed outlines, step-by-step revisions, and final, polished drafts of their essays, CV, and activities lists. Case:J&B worked with the client on an admissions project to Cornell, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, UC Los Angeles, UC Berkeley, USC, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, Michigan, NYU, and Duke. J&B helped the client produce Common App essays, supplemental essays, and activities lists for their desired schools. J&B also polished the client’s CV to finalize their admissions packet. Background:As the client is interested in majoring in Psychology and Public Health, the J&B team helped the client tailor their supplemental essays to their targeted programs and major requirements. As jbels1 has a strong interest in mental health and global public health issues, J&B worked with the client to translate their extracurricular experiences, insights, and interests into unique supplemental essays that suited their desired majors. For the client’s Common App essay, J&B suggested a creative topic that reflected jbels1’s focus on interpersonal communication and self-reflection. J&B also revised the client’s CV and activities list to highlight their leadership skills, artistic interests, and commitment to self-growth. The Process:After a series of pre-consulting sessions gathering personal details from the client, the J&B team broke the project down into two batches of schools and split each batch into three steps. During the first step of the project, J&B collected ideas for each essay from the client and produced a series of outlines for jbels1 based on the details they wanted to include in their essays. J&B also suggested compelling “hooks” and creative storytelling methods to capture the client’s voice. After the client produced the first draft of their essays, J&B helped the client finalize their drafts, paying close attention to word counts and narrative styles. Additionally, during the first batch of schools, J&B revised the client’s resume, elaborated on key details, and translated their most significant activities into detailed Common App and UC activities lists. J&B’s Key Goals: Creative storytelling Careful editing and revising Communication In-depth research on major requirements and schools