J&B Blue Program (Concord Review) “A Future Diplomat Writing for the Concord Review” Highlights: J&B consulted with the client on a *,700-word paper for the Concord Review exploring the rise of the S economy. J&B worked in a three-person team and split the writing process into six separate steps including: an introduction section, body paragraphs, a conclusion section, and three editing and polishing stages. As the client explored the depth of S’s economic relations and the politics that took place during their timeline, the project was both a learning experience and an opportunity to prepare for their future career in international relations. The Topic:J&B consulted with the client on a *,700-word paper for the Concord Review exploring the rise of the S economy. The Process:J&B worked in a three-person team. At the start of the project, J&B met with the client to conduct a brainstorming session and discuss potential topics for the Concord Review. As the client was not certain what they wanted to write about, J&B suggested three topics for the client based on their interests. Once the client selected their ideal topic, the team prepared a detailed, 21-page outline for the client and shared 30 scholarly sources to help the client begin their research. The team then split the writing and editing process into six separate steps. The client used J&B’s outline to produce their introduction, which the team edited and revised. Next, the client worked on the body section of their paper. Once the client completed their body paragraphs, J&B heavily edited them and returned them to the client with suggestions. The client then shared their body paragraphs with their professor, in order to gather further feedback. After the client completed their conclusion, J&B incorporated the professor’s notes into their edits and polishing so that the client’s final draft would be complete. Writing Style:The client is an opinionated writer with an interest in East Asian history and politics. To ensure that the client’s narrative contained an unbiased yet passionate tone, the team worked closely with the client to ensure that their language, analyses, and historical evidence were as fact-based as possible. The team also helped the client with removing repetitive sentences, paraphrasing, and creating an impactful conclusion for their paper. At the end of the project, the client was proud of producing a lengthy, detail-oriented history paper. J&B’s Key Goals: Historical research Scholarly evidence Unbiased tone Structure and organization Journal Selection Process:As the client is passionate about international relations and diplomacy, J&B suggested that the client write a paper for the Concord Review. Given the open-ended nature of the Concord Review, students can select a topic that aligns with their unique interests. As the client explored the depth of S’s economic relations and the politics that took place during their timeline, the project was both a learning experience and an opportunity to prepare for their future career in international relations.