J&B Blue Program (John Locke)“A Controversial Debate for John Locke” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a 1,*00-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the prompt: “Should ‘hate crimes’ be punished more severely than the same crime with different motives?” To help the client elevate their draft, J&B worked closely with the client on their thesis, claims, and incorporating relevant scholarly sources into their essay. The client’s essay was shortlisted by the judges. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a 1,*00-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the prompt: “Should ‘hate crimes’ be punished more severely than the same crime with different motives?” The client’s essay was shortlisted by the judges. The Process:At the start of the project, the team conducted a brainstorming session with the client to gather insights into possible prompts the client would like to write about. Next, the team shared relevant reading materials related to the client’s potential prompts to help them select one. After the client chose a prompt, the team shared an outline with the client to help them write their first draft. After the client produced a first draft, J&B returned it to the client with detailed suggestions and revisions to boost the structure and content of their draft. Following J&B’s guidance, the client wrote a second draft, which the team polished so that it would be ready to submit to John Locke. At the end of the project, the team provided an evaluation of the client’s writing progress throughout the project. Writing Style:The client is a strong critical thinker deeply interested in the nuances of their topic. To help the client elevate their draft, J&B worked closely with the client on their thesis, claims, and incorporating relevant scholarly sources into their essay. The team also assisted the client with paraphrasing, logical analyses, and structure and organization. J&B’s Key Goals: Structure and organization Persuasive writing Relevant research Critical analyses