J&B Blue Program (Concord Review)“Pursuing an Artistic Passion for the Concord Review” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a *,000-word paper for the Concord Review exploring the cultural history of dance and diplomacy. J&B worked in a two-person team and split the project into eight major steps. After helping the client connect their micro topic to a contemporary historical concept, the team produced a detailed outline, which the client used to write their drafts. The J&B team worked with the client’s independent writing style to edit and polish their drafts, ensuring that each paragraph had an optimal impact. The Topic:J&B collaborated with the client to create a *,000-word paper for the Concord Review exploring the cultural history of dance and diplomacy. The Process:J&B worked in a two-person team and split the project into eight major steps. At the start of the project, J&B met with the client over Zoom to brainstorm ideas for the Concord Review. As the client already decided that they wanted to focus on dance, J&B helped the client expand the scope of their topic so that they would have enough sources for the Concord Review. The team shared several reading materials with the client to help them connect their micro focus to a larger, contemporary historical topic. Next, the team produced a detailed outline, which the client used to write their drafts. To make the writing/editing aspect of the project more manageable, the client wrote their introduction paragraphs first. After J&B edited and revised the client’s introduction, the team moved on to the body paragraphs. While J&B edited the client’s body section, the client worked on completing their conclusion. At the end of the project, J&B allocated an additional step to polishing the entirety of the client’s final draft and fleshing out the historical relevance of their topic. At the end of the project, both J&B and the client were satisfied with the finished product. Writing Style:The client is an independent writer, passionate about their topic and invested in writing a detailed paper. Throughout the project, the team helped the client incorporate their additional sources into their draft while working on paraphrasing key sections and transitioning smoothly from one idea to the next. The team also worked closely with the client to help them strategically place key paragraphs to ensure that they had an optimal impact. J&B’s Key Goals: Ancient and contemporary research Collaboration Editing and revising Structure Journal Selection Process:The client came into the project with the goal of gaining a deeper understanding of one of their artistic passions; as the Concord Review has open-ended topic guidelines, J&B suggested that the client submit their paper to the Concord Review. Writing a longer paper on the history of a concept the client had a personal connection to allowed them to address it from a nuanced perspective while allowing them to grow as a writer and artist in the process. By the end of the project, the flexible nature of the Concord Review aligned perfectly with the client’s writing style.