Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a 1,000-word essay for the JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest. The team split the project into a brainstorming session, topic selection phase, outlining stage, and writing/editing process. To help the client enhance their writing skills, the team worked closely with them on clarifying their ideas, paraphrasing key sources, and identifying any flaws in their claims. The Topic: J&B worked with the client on a 1,000-word essay for the JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest. The Process: At the start of the project, J&B conducted a brainstorming session with the client to discuss potential topics/political figures to focus on. The client then conducted independent research on their own to solidify their ideas. To help the client select a political figure to write about, the team prepared a list of five political figures that matched the criteria they were looking for. The client selected the potential figure who interested them the most and then introduced their own candidate. After researching the client’s potential figure, the team confirmed they would work for this essay competition. J&B then prepared a 40-minute lecture for the client on the political figure they chose to focus on and shared 10 scholarly sources to provide background knowledge. The team then met with the client to discuss the readings in detail. Next, J&B shared a detailed outline consisting of scholarly sources the client could utilize to prepare their first draft. After the client shared the first draft of their essay, the team carefully reviewed the essay, polishing and revising it so that it would be ready for submission. The team also prepared an evaluation of the client’s writing skills throughout the project. Writing Style: The client is an enthusiastic writer and researcher passionate about politics and argumentative writing. To help the client enhance their writing skills, the team worked closely with them on clarifying their ideas, paraphrasing key sources, and identifying any flaws in their claims. J&B’s Key Goals: Research Originality Persuasive writing Clarity