As John F. Kennedy once said, “Today the challenge of political courage looms larger than ever before.” As one of the U.S. presidents praised for his willingness to take a stand for actions many disagreed with, J.F.K. remains a pivotal and courageous figure in American politics. If you’re fascinated with icons like J.F.K. or interested in the complexities of political decision-making within local, national, and/or international politics, then maybe you should consider entering the J.F.K. Profile in Courage Essay Contest. The J.F.K. Profile in Courage Contest asks students to describe an act of “political courage” by a U.S. elected official. The contest has strict requirements and encourages submissions that show originality and do not repeat material from previous writers. So, if you want to stand out and write an exceptional essay for the J.F.K. Profile in Courage Essay Contest, what should you do? Here are four things: Select a unique figure: As the judges disqualify essays that discuss previously-discussed politicians, try to be as niche as possible. Start doing in-depth research about political figures who may not be as well-known, but have still contributed significantly to American politics and represent key aspects of “political courage.” In other words, try not to write about the most famous U.S. Presidents. Instead, look at your local and state politics: are there any politicians who have faced intense obstacles or risks only to show great resilience? Or if you do choose to write about a U.S. President, try to examine some of their lesser-known political decisions and contextualize their consequences. Do scholarly research: While the contest does not accept essays with fewer than five sources, this does not mean you should stop at six. Rather, aim for a minimum of fifteen sources and draw from a wide variety of material: you might want to use bibliographies, memoirs, speeches, journal articles, government documents, statistics, opinion polls, oral histories, and/or interviews to gather a comprehensive amount of information about your chosen political figure. Develop a unique perspective: In addition to choosing an original political figure, you should have unique reasons why they demonstrate “political courage.” For example, if a contemporary Republican politician fought for abortion rights against their party’s interests, you might consider this an act of “political courage.” Once you’ve conducted a good amount of scholarly research, it will be easier to identify any obstacles, risks, or consequences your chosen figure encountered that demonstrates their courage. Define “political courage”: Defining what “political courage” is (and isn’t!) will be at the heart of your essay. To create a strongly developed thesis, you will need to clarify all of the key components that make up “political courage” based on your understanding of the concept and your chosen figure. J.F.K. famously once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” Entering the J.F.K. Profile in Courage Essay Contest is one way of engaging in American political discourse and contributing to the public good. Be courageous yourself, and ask: what can I do for my essay?