HYPS Portfolios
(Grades 10-11)
At a Glance (2022-2023)
Brown Program, J&B’s signature program, is designed to work with clients to produce and publish an autobiography. Some might wonder that writing and publishing one’s own autobiography would seem too bragging, especially for an ordinary high school student. That is understandable bias. A general understanding is that autobiographies are often reserved for some famous individuals like US President, Michael Jordan or Bill Gates. That is, we believe, misbelief; every individual deserves to write their personal stories and publish them if they would like to.
At J&B Essay Consulting, LLC, we believe every individual has something unique about their experience and stories, and they deserve our full respect. We value words, color and voice coming from each of our clients, and it is one of our goals to help them voice their unique stories in the form of an autobiography. The stories are unique because they are our clients’.
The Program is designed to last roughly 6 months, from start to end. We collectively ideate, organize, structure, polish and publish an autobiography. The completed work will contain 10 chapters in total, between 100 and 150 pages long. Detailed content varies from client to client depending on her or his stories and preferred style and angle. The Program is highly customized; detailed structure and content will be determined during Pre Consulting to fully satisfy each client’s needs. Completed autobiographies will be provided an ISBN and published online accordingly.
We pride ourselves on producing great autobiographies with our clients. What is more, most of our clients who have worked with us on the Program add their published work to the portfolio in college admissions, maximizing their chances of entering Ivy-league or other comparable elite US colleges.
You will learn how to draw from personal experiences, analyze key moments in your life, assess your character traits, build a compelling narrator, and construct a series of chapters connected by an underlying theme.
Target Audience
Students interested in creative writing, Nonfiction, personal essays, or memoirs.
6 months
Creative Non Fiction Portfolio
You will understand how to transform factual experiences into creative storytelling, experiment with tenses, build emotional content, and incorporate literary techniques into your writing.
Target Audience
Students passionate about Fiction, memoirs, or creative writing.
2 months
Writing Portfolio
We help clients identify their strongest pieces of writing, organize and curate their portfolio, identify important themes, and prepare a cover letter that shows their motivations as a writer.
Target Audience
Students with a background in writing, interested in applying for scholarships and to academic programs or colleges.
2 months
Art & Writing Portfolio
We help clients assess their artwork, select their strongest material, prepare one-paragraph artist statements for each piece, and create a detailed cover letter that expresses their artistic goals and vision.
Target Audience
Students with a background in visual art, interested in applying for scholarships and to academic programs or colleges.
2 months
Camp/Seminar Application
Camp/Seminar Application
You will understand how to creatively respond to long and short-answer prompts, practice dramatic storytelling, narrate events from your own life, create compelling hooks, and analyze key themes in your life.
Target Audience
Students interested in writing personal essays and practicing for college admissions essays.
2 months
Client's Case
Program Calendar & Enrollment Deadlines
Brown Program Interest Form