Graduate (Master’s/Doctoral Degree) Admissions Application Essay
Must have already obtained a bachelor’s degree from a US university/college (or equivalent) or planning to complete it within a semester or so
✓ 3 or 5 or 8 Weeks
Are you passionate about becoming a successful entrepreneur who would lead the IT industry to help make the world not simply more convenient but also more meaningful for everyone? or is your dream career focused on developing a vaccine for viruses like Covid-19 in order to improve the general level of health and wellness in humanity? Whether your career goal is to become a business leader, doctor, lawyer, scholar, professor, scientist or engineer, obtaining a postgraduate degree in the relevant subject field is still significant to your success in today’s world and can serve as a vehicle to reach your career goal. With a winning team of essay veterans from J&B, you can craft all the application essays necessary for your MBA, MA/MS, PhD, JD, MD or other postgraduate degrees!
Based on “J&B Self-Motivated Essaying” consulting process, we make sure to collectively, constantly share ideas and thoughts with you at each step of consulting in order to craft and polish the very best pieces of writing together, which fully represent who you are. Fully equipped with experience and talent, our expertly consultants are here to help shape and paint your unique stories via our test-proven consulting process in the result-driven manner.
A significant number of our clients have been accepted to HBS, Chicago Booth, Stanford GSB, UVA Darden, Northwestern Kellogg, NYU Stern, Berkely Haas and many other notable US business schools. Speaking of US law schools, we have successfully helped our clients get admitted into some of the greatest law schools like Yale, Stanford, UVA, Georgetown, Chicago, USC and others. For other postgraduate degrees, our clients have proudly made it to top schools like Brown, UPenn, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, UCLA and others!
Moreover, another significant number of our clients have been accepted to Oxford Said, LSE, Warwick, Cambridge Judge, Imperial College and many other notable UK business schools. For other postgraduate degrees, our clients have proudly made it to top schools like Leeds, Bristol, Manchester, UCL, Edinburgh and other Russell Group universities! J&B proves our excellent 1:1 consulting program with insurmountable experience, expertise and results in graduate application essays.
J&B provides excellent guidance and expertise specifically in:
✓ Personal Statement
✓ Statement of Purpose
✓ Research Proposal
✓ Motivational Letter
✓ Personal History Statement
✓ Letter of Recommendation
✓ Curriculum Vitae
✓ Optional Statement
✓ Statement of Qualifications
✓ Supplemental Essay
✓ Career Statement
✓ Writing Sample
✓ Scholarship/Grant Application Letter
Client's Case
1. I plan to apply to a total of 10 schools, but each school has different deadlines. In this case, how do you structure my consulting schedule?
-> We, J&B, consider each school's schedule and group them by deadlines that are as similar as possible, and then divide the consulting sessions into several ones. Essay consulting for up to 4-5 schools can be grouped together. For example, schools with deadlines in March and April are divided into group A, and schools with deadlines in May and June are divided into group B. The schedule is configured according to the consulting period selected by the client. However, in the case of schools recruiting on a rolling basis, consulting is carried out on a schedule as soon as possible.
2. There are many admissions essay consulting companies but why should I choose J&B? What are the differences?
-> Yes, the biggest difference J&B pursues is 'uniqueness'. Our J&B team believes that any form of writing has its own color and feeling, and the consulting process is subdivided to express this belief. Most of the clients who have hosted the Gray program with us say that J&B's writing has a clear color. In particular, in the case of admissions essays, originality is important as it is an important medium for admissions officers to imprint their experiences and values.
3. Regarding the specific admissions essays, I need to have my own story, but I don't have much experience in life and I don't have a variety of life experiences. What should I do?
-> You don't necessarily need a special experience to create a great essay. It's important how to express it uniquely, even with the same experience. Also, it is our J&B consultant's role to induce experiences and stories that clients have not, yet, found. If you describe experiences in a subjective tone, it is our job to effectively transform it and make it work for your essay so that the reader can genuinely understand and share the essay content.
4. I need several kinds of essays. Can I get help for all of them?
-> Yes, if you proceed with the package program, we consult on all essays required by the school you are applying for at once or within a given time frame. In general, PS/SOP/CV/LOR are some of the examples that students should prepare for applying schools.
5. When I request essay consulting from a company, I will need to share personal information. Is J&B a reliable company?
-> Yes, we are. In the case of admissions essays, they deal with highly sensitive, personal information since the focus is about your personal story! The J&B team values the security of your personal information and your intellectual property as much as the quality of the essay. For that reason, if you become our client, we will create a dedicated page for you, which can be accessed through invitation only. All messages, videos, and document materials between the consulting team and the client are encrypted and stored on a secure drive with controlled access.
1. 저는 총 10개학교에 지원 할 예정인데, 학교들마다 데드라인이 모두 다릅니다. 이럴 경우 컨설팅 스케쥴을 어떻게 구성해주시나요?
-> 저희 J&B는 학교별 스케쥴을 각 고려하여 최대한 비슷한 데드라인별로 그룹화하여 컨설팅 세션을 수 회로 나누게 됩니다. 최대 4-5개의 학교의 에세이 컨설팅을 한 그룹으로 묶을 수 있습니다. 가령, 데드라인이 3, 4월인 학교를 A그룹, 5, 6월인 학교를 B그룹으로 나눠 고객님이 선택하신 컨설팅 기간에 맞춰 스케쥴이 구성됩니다. 단, rolling basis로 모집하는 학교의 경우 최대한 빠른 일정으로 구성하여 컨설팅이 진행 됩니다.
2. admissions essays 컨설팅 업체들이 많은데 그럼에도 불구하고 J&B를 선택해야 하는 이유가 무엇인가요? J&B만의 차별점이 있나요?
-> 네, J&B가 추구하는 가장 큰 차별점은 바로 ‘uniqueness’입니다. 저희 J&B는 어떤 형태의 글도 본인만의 색깔과 느낌이 있다고 믿고, 이를 표현하기 위해 컨설팅 절차 또한 세분화 되어 있습니다. 저희와 그레이 프로그램을 진행해보신 고객님들의 대다수가 J&B의 글은 분명한 색깔이 있다고 이야기 해주십니다. 특히, admissions essays의 경우 입학사정관으로 하여금 본인의 경험과 가치관을 각인 시키는 중요한 매개체인만큼 독창성이 중요 합니다.
3. admissions essays의 특성상 나만의 스토리가 있어야 하는데 저는 인생 경험이 많지 않고 다채롭지도 않습니다. 어떻게 할까요?
-> 꼭 특별한 경험이 있어야 멋진 에세이가 탄생하는 것은 아닙니다. 같은 경험이라도 그것을 어떻게 독특하게 표현해 내는지가 중요합니다. 또한, 고객분들께서는 발견하지 못하던 경험 및 이야기를 유도해 내는 것은 저희 J&B 컨설턴트만의 역할입니다. 고객님은 저희에게 객관적인톤의 경험 이야기를 해주시면 그것을 어필링한 에세이로 만드는 것은 저희의 역할이니 걱정 하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
4. 여러 종류의 에세이가 필요한데 모두 도움을 받을 수 있나요?
-> 네, 패키지 프로그램으로 진행하실 경우 지원하시는 학교에서 요구하는 모든 에세이를 한번에 컨설팅 해드리고 있습니다. 보편적으로 PS/SOP/CV/LOR을 준비하게 되며, 지원하시는 학교 리스트에 맞춰 종합적으로 준비가 가능합니다.
5. 컨설팅을 하다보면 에세이 재료가 될 만한 개인정보를 공유해야 하는데 J&B는 믿을만한 곳인가요?
-> 맞습니다. admissions essays의 경우 나의 이야기를 담는 특성이 있기에 매우 personal한 정보들을 다루게 됩니다. 저희 J&B는 에세이 퀄리티만큼이나 고객님의 개인정보와 에세이의 지적재산의 보호를 중요하게 생각합니다. 그러한 이유에서 저희 J&B의 고객이 되시면 고객님 전용 페이지를 생성해 드리고, 이는 invitation으로 접근이 가능합니다. 컨설팅팀과 고객님간의 모든 메세지, 영상, 문서 자료들은 암호화되어 보관됩니다.
Successful transformation from being a student of Engineering to a student of Law Hwan Client
The portrait image provided by the client has been caricatured by J&B.
Hwan client was a fascinating client who was first building an educational and vocational career in Electrical Engineering, then began preparing for Law school to become a Patent specialist. His driven academic attitude was just like that of our J&B! It's an honor to capture Hwan's story that tells how he was initially unfamiliar with essay writing in the third edition of our review project ("J&B Essay People Project").
Hwan was initially unfamiliar with essay consulting itself, but after having experienced it once, he left a remarkable comment saying that it is something that cannot only be experienced once! Thank you Hwan client for writing the review and responding to the phone interview. :)
Q. What's your name or nickname?
I'm Hwan.
Q. How many times have you received J&B Essay Consulting services? Please describe the service contents.
I have received much help from J & B about 4 times. General consulting and Essay services regarding Brainstorming / Outlining / Editing for admission documents (Personal Statement) for the Doctoral degree of Jurisprudence (J.D.) program and legal writings required to undertake the J.D courses.
Q. Reasons for choosing J&B Essay Consulting? And why did you choose us again?
I completed my undergraduate study in Electrical Engineering in Korea. Though I was confident in the mathematical side, I was lacking in English and Writing. I particularly struggled while preparing the PS for the J.D. admission. I was searching for external help considering that my academic background was not in Law and was lacking in writing skills that could effectively showcase my abilities. Through my contact in the U.S., I came to know J&B! The consultant suggested a Skype meeting, where I received clear solutions and confidence for the parts that I was previously unsure about. As a result, I was able to produce a PS that I wanted and got accepted into the desired Law School.
Q. You mentioned that you have received Essay Writing Service. How were the qualities of the essays?
What I was most satisfied about J&B was the high level of satisfaction and completion in each consulting stage. I was surprised how each essay that I requested was carefully reviewed and even the parts that I have not thought of were taken care of beforehand. I am a type who asks many questions and had many questions about the assignment that I could not understand, but I was surprised to have all my questions being thoughtfully answered and reflected in the essay.
Q. Please evaluate how effectively the Client Management Team communicated with you.
Very fast, effective and professional. As I am a bit old school, I mainly used emails for communication, and the CMT was consistently professional and responded to each of my questions or concerns quickly and effectively. I am very satisfied in terms of the communication. It's also a plus element that communication was also available on the weekends.
Q. What are you most satisfied about our service?
The direction and ideas that I wanted were well reflected in the essays. In terms of the PS, the company helped with essay writing by well illustrating my undergraduate experience and various work experiences after graduation in the direction that I really wanted. During my study at the law school, I was very grateful for the help that made the difficult legal briefs much easier to understand!
Q. Do you have any suggestion for the future development of J&B Essay Consulting?
How about expanding the number of students who can reserve consultation at once? My thesis were only able to start after three weeks as there were a lot of reservations in the same period. Although the waiting was rewarded with the high completion level and great attention to details, I was a little nervous while waiting ^^;
Q. What were your standards of choosing an essay consulting company? Did J&B Essay Consulting meet those standards?
I don't know any other place as J&B was my first essay consulting. I came to know through the recommendation of a contact in the U.S. I didn't have any fixed standard or expectation. I was not 100% certain before using the J&B service, but after seeing how J&B systematically assisted my PS, I gradually grew more confident in the service.
Q. Any words for the clients who are considering whether to take J&B Essay Consulting service?
Receive the consulting at least just once! In my case, the consulting company itself was unfamiliar. I was the tiring type who tried to do everything myself… With the recommendation of a friend who said that essays should be done at a place that does it properly, I received my first consulting thinking just for once. 'It's possible to never try it, but it's not possible to not do it again once you do' seems like the perfect phase for J&B haha
Q. Final words?
Thank you very very much for paying such careful attention to all the small details! Wish you all the best!
The Schools We Have Helped Our Clients Get Into
STEM - MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Michigan, UC Berkeley, and more
Humanities - Princeton, Chicago, Duke, Columbia, Virginia, and more
Social Sciences - Harvard, Yale, Brown, Vanderbilt, UCLA, and more
Business - Northwestern, UPenn, NYU, Dartmouth, Cornell, and more
Fashion - New School (Parsons), FIT, Pratt, Kent State, Art Institute of Chicago, and more
Nursing - Duke, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, Washington, Emory, and more
Journalism - Columbia, USC, Boston U, Northwestern, UT Austin, and more
Pharmacy - UNC, VCU, Purdue, Michigan, Ohio State, and more
Education - Harvard, Columbia, Wisconsin-Madison, Oregon, Boston College, and more
Law - Yale, Georgetown, Virginia, Chicago, NYU, and more
Medicine - Johns Hopkins, UPenn, UCLA, Pittsburgh, Emory, and more