11th Grade Package
The 11th grade is the last year before you start your college application process. It is one of the busiest academic years and a time to wrap up your activities before preparing for your senior year. Yet 11th grade is also a time when your academic interests become clearer; this is when a rough outline of the field you plan to study in begins to emerge. This is also the grade that encourages a deeper level of understanding when it comes to your writing. Now, you are one step closer to preparing your college applications. With the J&B team, you can begin by entering essay competitions, submitting your work to journal publications, and crafting your admissions essays. Most of our 11th-grade J&B clients are strategically preparing their portfolios (through essay competitions and journal publications) with our red program (admissions essays) in mind.
✓ You can participate in essay contests and achieve your desired results: awards and academic recognition while developing as a writer.
✓ You can write a research paper in the field you plan to study in at college and submit it to a journal for publication.
✓ You can focus on the essay components of your college applications.
✓ You can curate an exemplary college application by preparing the materials necessary for the Common App—on track, with sufficient time to spare.
✓ You can target each school on your list of desired colleges and universities by strategically crafting your supplemental essays.
5 Case examples from our actual clients
1. Young Arts + Scholastic + Autobiographies + NYT + John Locke + 10-school (or more) Admissions Essays
The client was interested in humanities, Philosophy, and the arts and hoped to major in the Arts & Sciences in college. Beginning as early as the 11th grade, the client aimed to apply to as many philosophically-based essay contests as possible and while working with J&B, creatively developed their writing strengths by working on essays for numerous essay competitions. In the 11th grade, the client applied to the Young Arts and Scholastic competition. In the same year, the client worked with J&B to create an autobiography, sharing their meaningful experiences of living in various countries as a child in words and self-drawn pictures. After completing their autobiography, the client developed philosophical essays for the New York Times as well as the John Locke Essay Competition. Working closely with the J&B team during our one-year course, the client developed a portfolio and series of admissions essays suitable for future studies in the Arts & Sciences.
September – October: Young Arts
November - December: Scholastic
November - October (+1): Autobiographies
March - April: New York Times
May - June: John Locke
August - November: Admissions essays for 10 schools
School list
Yale, UVA, Williams, Amherst, Duke, Swarthmore, Wellesley, Bowdoin, Barnard, Boston
The client received award(s)/publication(s) from three essay contest(s)/journal(s)
Their autobiography was published
The client's chosen school: Swarthmore
2. ISSCY + HIEEC + Independent Study Paper + HIR + JSR + 10-school (or more) Admissions Essays
This client was interested in Economics, Sociology, and Environmental Studies, with a preference for heavy research-based writing and the data to back it up. With their combined passion for Economics and International Relations, the client consulted with J&B to prepare several unique topics for research projects. The client wrote papers for ISSCY, HIR, and the JSR—all with varying themes and highly-researched content. During this time, the client also worked with J&B on an independent study paper emphasizing the client’s own research, while citing the research of a professor in one of the client’s dream universities. Additionally, the client consulted with J&B to create an essay for the HIEEC competition hosted by Harvard University. While preparing their college admissions application, the client worked on their Common Application essay with J&B in advance, so that they would have time to focus on their journal submissions and the supplemental essays for their chosen schools.
July - September: ISSCY
October - December: HIEEC
January - May: Independent Study Paper
June - August: HIR
August: Journal of Student Research
August - November: Admissions essays for 10 schools
School list
Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, USC, Brown, Michigan, Northwestern
The client received award(s)/publication(s) from three essay contest(s)/journal(s)
Their Independent Study Papers published
The client got accepted into: Harvard, Stanford and 4 others
3. Concord Review + John F Kennedy + NHD+ John Locke + 10-school (or more) Admissions Essays
This client was extremely interested in History and hoped to major in Archaeology, Western History, and/or Anthropology in college. As the client aimed to apply to an essay competition or publication that contributed to existing knowledge in historical fields, the client worked with J&B on crafting a paper for the Concord Review. As part of their package with J&B, the client prepared essays for the John F. Kennedy Essay Contest, NHD, and the John Locke Essay Competition. With J&B’s guidance, the client was able to maintain their focus on history while expanding their approach to philosophy. The client completed their package with J&B by working on an essay for their college application based on their passion for historical narratives.
August – October: Concord Review
November - December: John F. Kennedy
December - February (+1): National History Day
April - May: John Locke
August - November: Admissions essays for 10 schools
School list
Pennsylvania, Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Swarthmore, Duke, UVA, UCLA, Boston, UMD
The client received award(s)/publication(s) from two essay contest(s)/journal(s)
The client's chosen school: Brown
4. Columbia + HIEEC + Autobiography + John Locke + JSR + 10-school (or more) Admissions Essays
This client was highly gifted in Statistics and Math, and although they had a background in writing papers in mathematics, they had less experience writing essays in the humanities and social sciences. As the client was most comfortable further exploring the social sciences, they worked with J&B to construct an essay that utilized statistics and math to examine key social issues. With the J&B team, the client worked on papers for the Columbia Science Journal, HIEEC, the John Locke Essay Competition, and the JSR. To better develop their work within humanities, the client consulted with J&B on an autobiographical project capturing their humanity—highlighting the multiple sides that defined them as a unique college applicant.
August – October: Columbia Science Journal
October - December: HIEEC
January - October: Autobiographies
March - May: John Locke
May - July: JSR
August - November: Admissions essays for 10 schools
School list
Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon, Caltech, Johns Hopkins, Duke, Georgetown, UC LA, UC Berkeley
The client received award(s)/publication(s) from two essay contest(s)/journal(s)
Their Autobiographies published
The client's chosen school: Caltech
5. ISSCY + IPO + Ayn Rand + NYT + John Locke +10-school (or more) Admissions Essays
The client was extremely passionate about and interested in Philosophy and History. Although the client did not get the results they hoped for when they independently applied to essay competitions in the 10th grade, the client consulted with J&B on future submissions. Working with the J&B team, the client wrote philosophical essays for the Ayn Rand Essay Contest, the New York Times, and the John Locke Essay Competition. With our package, the client worked on curating unique topics, writing in-depth papers, and preparing themselves for their academic future. After going on to major in Philosophy as an undergraduate, J&B helped the client construct an admissions essay to help the client meet their goals of applying to law school and becoming a future lawyer.
July - September: ISSCY
Oct - December: IPO
February - April: Ayn Rand
March - April: New York Times
May - June: John Locke
August - November: Admissions essays for 10 schools
School list
Princeton, Columbia, New York, Rutgers, Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley, Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, Michigan, Georgetown
The client received award(s)/publication(s) from three essay contest(s)/journal(s)
The client's chosen school: Princeton