Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enroll in a single program instead of package programs?

You can select a single program and work with us. All of our programs are structured and organized on a quarterly basis; that is, you can be enrolled in any of the six programs in accordance with our program calendar, which obeys a quarter system, making up a total of four quarters per year. If you are interested in, for example, Orange Program – Concord Review, we encourage you to first take a look at the academic calendar to see when it is offered. The Concord Review program quarterly runs. If you would like to work on it with us for Quarter 3, please review Key Dates accordingly. We have the enrollment period April 15 - June 10 for Q3.

How early should I sign up for programs? 

J&B aims to provide clients with the best essay consulting services. Because of our strong commitment to quality over quantity, available slots for our programs are highly limited. The available program slots for Regular Action tend to be more limited than those for Early Actions I and II. It is likely that the slots for some of the programs can be closed well before the Early Action II deadline due to, again, limited capacity on our end, valuing quality over quantity. That said, if interested in enrolling in our programs, we strongly encourage you to consider signing up at your earliest convenience.

I found out about J&B at the very last minute, and I am afraid that I might have already missed the Regular Action admissions cycle. Is there any way I can still sign up now?

Since dates (e.g. when to start and end) are fixed for our consulting process, we do not generally admit latecomers once the admissions deadlines passed. Nevertheless, we try our best to accommodate them on a case-by-case basis.

I am indecisive as to whether sign up for package programs or a single program with J&B. Any suggestions?

We typically recommend J&B package programs to those seeking to improve the quality of essay writing as well as achieve the desired outcomes in a timely manner. While we understand that a masterpiece is not created in one day in one sitting, we nevertheless believe that it should not take forever to create one, for time is the most valuable commodity. The package programs are carefully designed to satisfactorily fulfill the client’s wants and needs with regard to essay writing and academic success. Whether you are in 7th or 11th grade, you can fully take advantage of the package programs to ensure we help you maximize the expertise, resources and time we have to help you attain your academic goals and get into your dream college. You can check out the details for some of the actual package programs completed by the past J&B clients here

I would like to sign up for four J&B package programs. Will they begin at the same time? How does scheduling work?

The package programs run on an annual basis. When scheduling them, we fully consider your workload from classes (e.g. quizzes, tests), extracurricular activities (e.g. hockey practice, the AMC) and other academic pursuits (e.g. SAT prep class) to ensure you have enough time to work on projects with us in a timely manner. One of the perks our package clients entertain is “flexible scheduling,” which means they have more freedom to select the preferred time and date for session meetings. 
